
One More Search Party

Ok, so I hate to keep beating a dead horse about the "how people find my blog" thing, but I just saw this one:

"- girl gets dog poop smeared in hair"

I don't even know how to feel about this. I'm horrified, intrigued, and confused all at the same time.

I just hope to never meet the person who searches for that phrase. I don't know what they wanted to find, but I'm more afraid that they found it on my little blog.

I'm going to go shower now.

Man, that's vile. Germans are weird.
Hey Todd, I was checking out your site (via CDP) and might be able to shed some light on the Todd Gross weatherman hits.
A few months back a weird thing happened. Boston's Channel 7 weatherman Todd Gross was inexplicably fired. No one was sure why. He was one of these smarmy jerks who had that hidden smile when snow sleet and Acts of God wre about to ruin your weekend.
Good riddence to him.
Yeah, that started coming more and more clear after I kept getting "Todd Gross weather man," "What happened to Todd Gross," etc. It's just not something I was accustomed to hearing every day.
Todd Gross, more like... dangit.
weathermen are a strange lot anyway.
Paste's comment made me laugh. Just wanted to throw that in there.
"I have always poo-poo'd the idea of poo-poo. Disgusting"

Prince Romance June 16, 2006
Enjoyed a lot! »
I found your blog because I was searching Yahoo images for "old lady with suitcase."
I still need that picture. I guess you have a crazy lady on the bus somewhere but I haven't seen it yet.
I'll be back for more of you.
You just make sense!
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